Barangay Health Workers are frontline workers that play a vital role in every barangay. They are in charge in giving basic health education and selected primary health care services such as first aid, supervising the maternal and child health, family planning and nutrition. In order to perform their functions properly, the BHW needs a proper and suitable health care facility for the community.

The LGU Belison in partnership with the Department of Health implemented the Health Facility Enhancement Program (HFEP) which focused in the upgrading of health facilities. The said program was formulated to provide financial assistance to improved health facilities and benefited six (6) barangays in the Municipality of Belison. The six (6) new Barangay Health Stations were constructed in barangays Mojon, Rombang, Concepcion, Sinaja, Maradiona and Buenavista. These Barangay Health Stations will serve as the basic and first hand health facility in the said barangays. Now, Belisongnons in the said barangays will be reassured everytime they seek health care services in the health station.

Ugwad ta Belison!


Welcome to the official website for the Municipality of Belison, Antique.

In its short existence, Belison has planted the seeds of stability and sustainable growth in what was once impoverished economic ambiance. Today, opportunities have diversified to incorporate highly skilled, professional sources of revenue which has given the town a more sophisticated and promising path of development reflected in many of its qualities. Entering the town on the national road you are first impressed by the fresh, bright appearance of the municipal building set amid manicured lawns and framed by century old acacia tress. People warmly welcome you and show you about the town, with a feeling of pride and contentment in their manner. And when you smell the fresh, clean air coming off the ocean you will really feel what the name of the place implies: a beautiful place and that it is because the people have made it that way. Belison is a town that delivers a higher standard of living for its inhabitants and greater quality of life for anyone who comes to stay.

I welcome you to visit our Municipality. I am sure you will find it to be as exciting and unique as our many residents and visitors do.