Application for Appointment or Renewal as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits

Appointments may be granted to eligible persons whose employment or volunteer activities involve providing the services of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits. Completing and submitting this application does not guarantee that an appointment as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits will be approved.

Please note that persons identified in section 60 of the Evidence Act and in the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia Regulation, B.C. Reg. 142/2015, are Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia by virtue of their office or employment, and do not need to apply for appointment or renewal.
If you are not sure whether this applies to you, please email

Read all instructions below before completing this application.

  1. Applicants must complete this application form in its entirety. This form includes the Examination for Commissioner for Taking Affidavits. Applicants must complete the examination to the satisfaction of the Order in Council (OIC) Administration Office.
  2. Before starting this application (including examination), please read and follow all instructions on:, including the Information and Instruction Guide for Commissioners for Taking Affidavits.
  3. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk . If you close your browser window before completing the application, examination and payment, your information will not be saved and you will have to start again. It is recommended to prepare your answers offline before starting this application (examination questions are available at:
  4. After completing all sections, you will be prompted to select your preferred payment option for the > appointment fee :

Ministry of Attorney General
Order in Council Administration Office
Attention: CFTA Program
PO Box 9280 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 2C5

Fax: 250-387-4349
Phone: 250-387-5378

First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth

Home/Cellular Phone (e.g. 250 123 4567) Email Address (optional) Confirm Email address Home Address (Apartment Number/Street Address) City Province / Territory Postal Code Are you a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant or permanent resident? Is this for a new appointment or renewal of an existing appointment? Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?

A criminal record search may be required to process this application. In that event, applicants will be contacted prior to the search to obtain consent.

Position Employer/Volunteer Organization Email Address Confirm Email address Business Phone (e.g. 250 123 4567) Business Address City Province / Territory Postal Code

What is the nature of your employment or volunteer activities that involve providing the services of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits? Please identify your main industry affiliation or profession from the following list:

(You may describe any secondary industry affiliations in more detail below.)

Affiliation or Profession Other Affiliation or Profession

Explain in detail why you require the appointment , stating your duties, types of documents you will commission and section(s) of statute(s) pursuant to which your services will be provided.

Your appointment will be restricted in accordance with the information you provide. Complete and accurate information in this section helps ensure that the appointment meets your needs. You may enclose supplementary material with your application.

WARNING: If you close your browser window before completing the application, examination and payment, your information will not be saved and you will have to start again. It is recommended to prepare your answers offline before starting this application.

I hereby certify that I have read and I understand section 138 of the Criminal Code (Canada), which states the following:

Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who

  1. signs a writing that purports to be an affidavit or statutory declaration and to have been sworn or declared before him when the writing was not so sworn or declared or when he knows that he has no authority to administer the oath or declaration,
  2. uses or offers for use any writing purporting to be an affidavit or statutory declaration that he knows was not sworn or declared, as the case may be, by the affiant or declarant or before a person authorized in that behalf, or
  3. signs as affiant or declarant a writing that purports to be an affidavit or statutory declaration and to have been sworn or declared by him, as the case may be, when the writing was not so sworn or declared.

I further hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that should an investigation disclose misrepresentation or falsification of a material fact, my application may be rejected or appointment revoked.

I understand that I must sign and date Part 4 after I complete and print this application form. Are you self-employed?

You have indicated that you are self-employed. Please provide the following information with respect to one person who is not your relative and who has known you for at least two years. They will be contacted to confirm your employment status.

First Name Middle Name Last Name Relationship Number of years this person has known you Home/Cellular Phone (e.g. 250 123 4567) Home Address (Apartment Number / Street Address) City Province / Territory Postal Code

I hereby verify the information contained in this application and support the application.

I understand that my Employer or Supervisor must sign and date Part 5 after I complete and print this application form.

Please review your information and make sure each section is filled out correctly before proceeding to the examination.

WARNING: The examination is not timed. However, if you close your browser window before completing the application, examination and payment, your information will not be saved and you will have to start again. It is recommended to prepare your answers offline before starting this application.

Order number: << orderNumber >> Application for Appointment or Renewal as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits

Appointments may be granted to eligible persons whose employment or volunteer activities involve providing the services of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits.

Please note that persons identified in section 60 of the Evidence Act and in the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia Regulation, B.C. Reg. 142/2015, are Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia by virtue of their office or employment, and do not need to apply for appointment or renewal.

If you are not sure whether this applies to you, please email

Completing and submitting this application does not guarantee that an appointment as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits will be approved.

Part 1 - Personal Information

A criminal record search may be required to process this application. In that event, applicants will be contacted prior to the search to obtain consent.

Part 2 - Employment/Volunteer Information Part 3 - Purpose of Appointment

What is the nature of your employment or volunteer activities that involve providing the services of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits? Please identify your main industry affiliation or profession from the following list:

(You may describe any secondary industry affiliations in more detail below.)

Affiliation or Profession << sections.appointmentPurpose.affiliationType >> Other Affiliation or Profession << sections.appointmentPurpose.affiliationTypeOther >>

Explain in detail why you require the appointment , stating your duties, types of documents you will commission and section(s) of statute(s) pursuant to which your services will be provided.

Your appointment will be restricted in accordance with the information you provide. Complete and accurate information in this section helps ensure that the appointment meets your needs. You may enclose supplementary material with your application.

Part 4 - Certification Part 4 must be signed and dated.

I hereby certify that I have read and I understand section 138 of the Criminal Code (Canada), which states the following:

Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who

  1. signs a writing that purports to be an affidavit or statutory declaration and to have been sworn or declared before him when the writing was not so sworn or declared or when he knows that he has no authority to administer the oath or declaration,
  2. uses or offers for use any writing purporting to be an affidavit or statutory declaration that he knows was not sworn or declared, as the case may be, by the affiant or declarant or before a person authorized in that behalf, or
  3. signs as affiant or declarant a writing that purports to be an affidavit or statutory declaration and to have been sworn or declared by him, as the case may be, when the writing was not so sworn or declared.

I further hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that should an investigation disclose misrepresentation or falsification of a material fact, my application may be rejected or appointment revoked.

Signature of Applicant Part 5 - Employer/Volunteer Supervisor Verification Are you self-employed?
Yes No Your employer or supervisor must sign and date this section. I hereby verify the information contained in this application and support the application. Signature of Employer/Supervisor

You have indicated that you are self-employed. Please provide the following information with respect to one person who is not your relative and who has known you for at least two years. They will be contacted to confirm your employment status.

Appointment Fee

Online Payment Confirmation Mail Fee with Application cheque or money order for << formattedApplicationFee >>, made payable to the Minister of Finance. Total: CAD << formattedApplicationFee >> Order Number << orderNumber >>

Examination for Commissioner for Taking Affidavits Part 3 - Certification of this Examination must be signed and dated.

Applicants applying to become a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia must read the Information and Instruction Guide for Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia, correctly complete this examination and sign the certification (Part 3 - Certification).

Part 1 - Personal Information Only the applicant can take this examination. First Name << sections.personalInformation.firstName >> Middle Name << sections.personalInformation.middleName >> Last Name << sections.personalInformation.lastName >> Examination Date << currentDate >> Part 2 - Examination << sections.examination.questions[0].question >> << sections.examination.questions[0].answer >> << sections.examination.questions[1].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[2].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[3].question >> << sections.examination.questions[3].answer >> << sections.examination.questions[4].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[5].question >> << sections.examination.questions[5].answer >> << sections.examination.questions[6].question >> << sections.examination.questions[6].answer[0] >>
<< sections.examination.questions[6].answer[1] >>
<< sections.examination.questions[6].answer[2] >> << sections.examination.questions[7].question >> << sections.examination.questions[7].answer >> << sections.examination.questions[8].question >> << sections.examination.questions[8].answer[0] >>
<< sections.examination.questions[8].answer[1] >> << sections.examination.questions[9].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[10].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[11].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[12].question >> << sections.examination.questions[12].answer >> << sections.examination.questions[13].question >>
Yes No << sections.examination.questions[14].question >> << sections.examination.questions[14].answer >> Part 3 - Certification

I hereby certify that I have read the Information and Instruction Guide for Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia and have independently completed this examination.

Signature of Applicant Instructions
  1. Applicants must complete this application form in its entirety. This form includes the Examination for Commissioner for Taking Affidavits . Applicants must complete the examination to the satisfaction of the OIC Administration Office.
  2. Before starting this application (including examination), please read and follow all instructions on:, including the Information and Instruction Guide for Commissioners for Taking Affidavits . It is recommended to prepare your answers offline before starting this application.
  3. There is a > appointment fee . Section 58 of the Evidence Act exempts some applicants from this appointment fee. If you are identified as exempt, the OIC Administration Office will notify you and refund your online payment or return your cheque or money order to the mailing address provided on your application form (as applicable).
  4. You must sign and date, and send this completed application form and examination to the OIC Administration Office. If adding information by hand after printing, please type or print clearly. Incomplete, altered or illegible forms will not be processed.
  5. You must sign and date, and mail this completed application form, examination and applicable fee to the OIC Administration Office. If adding information by hand after printing, please type or print clearly. Incomplete, altered or illegible forms will not be processed.
Mailing address:

Ministry of Attorney General
Order in Council Administration Office
Attention: CFTA Program
PO Box 9280 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 2C5

Fax: 250-387-4349
Phone: 250-387-5378

Because you paid online, you may choose to submit your application electronically instead. Electronic submission:
  1. You can either
  2. Email the signed and dated PDF to
Phone: (250) 387-5378

I confirm that the information in this Application for Appointment or Renewal as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits is correct.

Applicants applying to become a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia must read the Information and Instruction Guide for Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia, correctly complete this examination and sign the certification (Part 3 - Certification).

WARNING: This examination is not timed. However, if you close your browser window before completing the application, examination and payment, your information will not be saved and you will have to start again. It is recommended to prepare your answers offline before starting this application.

Part 1 - Personal Information

Only the applicant can take this examination. Return to the first section (Part 1 - Personal Information) of the application if you need to update your name in this Examination.

First Name Middle Name Examination Date Part 2 - Examination

1. What legislation governs the appointment of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia? 2. Can a commissioner charge a fee for services? 3. Can a commissioner appointment be revoked? 4. What is the usual term of appointment for a commissioner? 5. Can a commissioner appointment have restrictions attached to it? 6. What is the procedure for swearing an affidavit? (Describe each step in detail) 7. What three items must a commissioner include when signing an affidavit or statutory declaration? 1 2 3 8. What is a commissioner required to do if there is a change in their name, address or employment, or if they are no longer involved in the volunteer activity for which they applied for an appointment? 9. What two kinds of documents can a commissioner take? 1 2 10. Does an appointment as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits authorize a person to certify or verify copies of documents? 11. Can a document be sworn or affirmed when the individual swearing or affirming it is not present? 12. Can a commissioner swear an oath outside the Province of British Columbia for use in the province? 13. Under what circumstances should a commissioner refuse to take an affidavit or statutory declaration? 14. Can a commissioner take their own affidavit? 15. What does a commissioner need to do to renew their appointment?

Part 3 - Certification

I hereby certify that I have read the Information and Instruction Guide for Commissioners for Taking Affidavits for British Columbia and have independently completed this examination.

I understand that Part 3 - Certification must be signed and dated after I complete and print this application form, including this examination.

Please select your preferred payment option for the << formattedApplicationFee >> appointment fee . You must complete payment in order to finish this application. Do not close this browser window before payment is complete.

Section 58 of the Evidence Act exempts some applicants from this appointment fee.

If you are identified as exempt, the OIC Administration Office will notify you and refund your online payment or return your cheque or money order to the mailing address provided on your application form (as applicable).

Choose your payment option: Pay Online (with Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, Visa, Visa Debit or American Express) Mail Fee with Application (cheque or money order for >, made payable to the Minister of Finance)

You selected Pay Online . After paying online, you must print, sign and date, and send this completed application form and examination to the OIC Administration Office.

You selected Mail Fee with Application . Accepted payment types are cheque or money order for << formattedApplicationFee >>, made payable to the Minister of Finance.

Select "Next" to finish your request, and print or save ("Print to PDF") your request form. You must print, sign and date, and mail this completed application form, examination and applicable fee to the OIC Administration Office.

Thank you for completing this Application for Appointment or Renewal as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits and examination.

This form is your confirmation of payment. Remember to download, save ("Print to PDF") or print your completed application form and examination before you close this browser window.

You must sign and date, and send this completed application form and examination to the OIC Administration Office. Because you paid online, you may choose to submit your application electronically.

You must sign and date, and mail this completed application form, examination and applicable fee to the OIC Administration Office.

Mailing Address:

Ministry of Attorney General
Order in Council Administration Office
Attention: CFTA Program
PO Box 9280 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 2C5

Fax: 250-387-4349
Phone: 250-387-5378

Electronic Submission:
  1. You can either
  2. Email the signed and dated PDF to