Alcohol/Traffic Safety and Driver Education

DPI Driver Education Program Approval Application (PII 1709)

In the spring of 2004, the Department of Public Instruction introduced its online driver education program approval application for use by public school districts, technical colleges, and private high schools wishing to be state-approved through the DPI. Each year, around March 15, the next fiscal year’s application is launched.

In the spring of 2014, the online program approval application and process was significantly streamlined. Every district and private high school seeking DPI approval needs to complete and submit an annual online PII 1709.

Upon notification of the application having been launched, districts use a special program-specific URL to access their respective district’s online program approval application. Program staff access their respective applications and submit their data online. Upon receipt of program approval applications, the department reviews each application’s list of driver education instructors to ensure that all listed instructors hold current and valid DPI driver education teacher certifications. A copy of the program approval application is returned to the district office to verify the program has been approved.

FY 2024-2025 DPI Driver Education Program Approval Application (PII 1709) is currently open!

The link to the application can be found here:

Form is due May 1st, 2024. Once DPI reviews your program application and approves it, an approval letter will be shared with the district. Please contact Michael Morgen at with questions.

Alcohol/Traffic Safety and Driver Education

The purpose of the Department of Public Instruction's (DPI) ATS program is to assist local school districts in countering the problem of drinking and driving by youth. Under s. 118.01 (2)(d)6., Wis. Stats., each school board is required to provide an instructional program on the prevention of accidents and promotion of safety on the public highways, including the relationship between highway safety and the use of alcohol and controlled substances under Ch. 961.

Professional Development Activities

Through the Alcohol/Traffic Safety Education program, school traffic safety curriculum materials, in-service/professional development workshops, conferences, and training events are also provided. Go to Save-The-Date below for more information on dates, times, and specific events.

Traffic Safety Education/Driver Education

Wisconsin requires the satisfactory completion of a driver education course (classroom and laboratory) for persons under 18 years of age electing to be licensed after the age of 16. There is no longer a State Driver Education Categorical Aid Reimbursement Program in Wisconsin. The last state categorical aid payments to districts were made in March, 2004.

Although state categorical aids have been eliminated, the DPI will continue to administer public school driver education programs as it has in the past. Districts that are planning to continue offering driver education programs will still be required to submit and have on file in the department, an approved Program Approval Application (PII 1709).

As of July 1, 2014, all state-approved driver education programs are required to use the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Division of Motor Vehicle’s online Driver Education Completion System (referred to as DEC). DEC has replaced all course completion certificates that were issued to students who successfully completed both class and lab, as well as classroom paper completion letters on school letterhead, that were previously used and allowed. Programs having any unused PI 1714 certificates (DPI Student Completion Certificates) are to destroy them.

Information about the DEC system.

Wisconsin’s Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition Week

Adult School Crossing Guard Poster

You are invited to participate in Wisconsin’s Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition Week during the week of February 17-21, 2025.

2025 Recognition Week Materials Coming Soon!

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI), invites and encourages your support of the 2025 Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition initiative. Each day committed adult crossing guards across Wisconsin show up at their assigned crossings to assist students in their journey to or from school. It is important to recognize their dedication to providing safe passage for our children.

This recognition event was developed through the collaborative assistance of agencies and organizations representing the state, county, and local levels. Members of this partnership include AAA Wisconsin, Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators ’Association, Department of Justice - Office of School Safety, Badger State Sheriffs’ Association, Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association, many local partners (listed on poster) and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

2024 Recognition Week Materials


Updated resources coming soon!