
The Planning Division maintains the City’s comprehensive General Plan, which serves as the legal guide for all development in the community, and advises the City Council, City Manager and Planning Commission on issues involving the future development of the community.

Functions & Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Supporting documents
Accessory Dwelling Units Applications & Informational Handouts Fees - Panning Housing Element Landscaping Guidelines Master, Specific, & General Plan Accessory Dwelling Units

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)

Frequently Asked Questions

IMPORTANT: Before applying, please verify the project address jurisdiction to determine if Covina is the appropriate agency to process your request. Any Covina address that is within “LA County” Jurisdiction must submit directly to the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning.

Where are ADUs allowed?

Accessory dwelling units (ADUs), Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs), and efficiency units are permitted on lots that are zoned to allow single-family or multi-family residential uses that include an existing or proposed dwelling.

Do ADUs require a covenant?

Yes. All accessory dwelling units require a covenant agreement, per Ordinance No. 22-06, passed, approved, and adopted May 17, 2022.

What are some General ADU guidelines?

Per ADU Ordinance No. 22-06, ADUs greater than 800 square feet shall comply with newly adopted ADU design standards. Refer to Covina Municipal Code Section 17.69.040. The accessory dwelling unit shall provide complete and independent living facilities.If there is an existing primary dwelling, the total floor area of an attached ADU shall not exceed 50% of the existing primary dwelling. For detached ADUs, the total floor area shall not exceed 1,000 square feet.

What are the standards for a Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU)? How are they different from ADUs?

What is the maximum height for ADUs? What is the minimum setback requirement?

Maximum building height shall not exceed 16 feet in height when it is located at least 4 feet from a side and rear property line. ADUs greater than 16 feet in height, (i.e. detached two story ADUs, a second-story ADU above a garage, the addition of a second-story ADU to an existing single-story residence, the addition of an attached two-story ADU to the primary residence, or any combination thereof) shall be permitted within the primary residence “buildable area,” as determined under CMC Sections 17.14 and 17.26 residential development standards. Single-story accessory dwelling units shall meet all the minimum 4-foot side and rear yard setback requirement. Accessory dwelling units within existing structures are not subject to additional building setbacks.

If I convert my garage to an ADU, will I be required to replace onsite parking?

When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is converted or demolished to construct an ADU, replacement parking of the lost off-street parking is no longer required.Other development standards, such as limits on lot coverage, floor area ratio, or open space requirements, cannot be applied to the extent they would prohibit an ADU that is at least 800 square feet and 16 feet tall, with a 4-foot rear and side yard setback.

What are the ADU parking requirements?

At least one parking space for the accessory dwelling unit shall be provided if the proposed accessory dwelling unit is not within ½ mile of public transit, measured by the walking distance from the ADU to public transit. An “as-the-crow” flies” measurement does not count. Notably, “public transit” shall include any bus stop, train station, or other location where the public can access buses, trains, subways, and other forms of public transportation.

I have a Single Family property, how many ADUs can I have on my lot?

A detached ADU may be combined with a Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) that complies with the requirements described above, such that two additional units (one detached and one attached) are allowed on the lot. Given the size limitations, this means that a property could have a 500-square-foot JADU attached to the house and an up to an 800-square foot detached ADU.

I have a sloped lot, are ADU requirements the same?

Detached ADU sited within four to one or greater slopes, whether upslope or downslope, or within a High to Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) designation from Los Angeles County Fire Department, shall meet the following requirements:

Can I convert existing space on my Multi-Family lot to ADUs?

Yes. The portions of an existing multifamily dwelling, in spaces not used as living space can be converted to additional units or ADUs. Examples include conversion of storage rooms, boiler rooms, attics, basements, and garages. Each proposed new unit must comply with building standards. The number of ADUs that may be created in a multifamily dwelling is equal to 25% of the number of existing units, or one accessory unit, whichever is greater.

Can I build new detached ADUs on my Multi-Family lot?

Not more than two detached ADUs on a lot with an existing multifamily dwelling can be built. The accessory units are subject to a 16-foot height limit and must maintain at least a 4-foot rear and side yard setback.

Can I convert existing space AND build new ADUs on my multi-family lot?

No. An applicant may apply to build ADUs either under the conversion of existing space category or under the new detached ADUs category, but not both.

How can I get approval for my ADU Project?

The first step is to submit your project to the Planning Division for review and approval. Any applications submitted to Building & Safety without a Planning Approval Clearance will be rejected and referred back to the Planning Division. “Building Permit Only” categories must still be submitted to Planning for verification of compliance before proceeding with Building & Safety.

Step 1: Review the Frequently Asked Questions Above and review the ADU Checklist

Step 2: Complete the ADU application form and assemble a submittal package as directed in the ADU application form. Need help determining what is needed on the plans? refer to sections 2 and 3 of the Site Plan Review handout.

Step 3: Submit items from Step 2 to [email protected] or in person at the Planning counter (Mail is okay).

Please allow up to 15 days for planning staff to make a determination and to follow up with further instructions. For mail in option, allow up to 15 days after confirmation of receipt of package. If mailing your package, mail with attention to: Planning Division, City of Covina, 125 E College Stree, Covina, CA 91723.

I already received a Planning Approval Clearance from the Planning Division, what is the next step?

Review the “conditions of Approval” section located on your Planning Approval Clearance document. As a requirement of submittal for building plan check, the Planning approval and the approved site plan, elevation, and floor plan shall be included as part of your submittal package. Typically these documents are located immediately after the title/cover page of the construction plans and are noted in the index on the cover page. See the steps below. Questions regarding Building Plan check can be inquired with the Building & Safety Division at 626-384-5460.

Submitting to Building & Safety for plan check:

Step 1: Review the Planning Approval Clearance provided to you by your case planner and integrate the Clearance and the stamped-approved site plan, floor plan, and elevations into construction plan set.

Step 4: Submit prepared items in Step 3 to the Building Safety Division for Plan check.

* This page was last updated on August 4, 2022

* This page was last verified (reviewed) on November 7, 2022

Supporting documents
Applications & Informational Handouts

Applications and Informational Handouts


Before applying, please verify the address to determine if Covina is the appropriate agency to process your request. If the address produces “County of Los Angeles” under Jurisdiction, please submit it directly to the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning.


**The last day to submit under the 2019 CMC/CRC is 12/22/20022. The package must be a complete submittal (Check with Building & Safety Requirements) and plan check fees MUST be pa id. Any incomplete submittals will be rejected and must be submitted under the 2022 CBC/CRC and follow all new codes referenced.

The Planning Division will accept hard copy submittals and submittals via email. For all email submittals, note the instructions below:

View the list below for applications, fees, informational handouts, and checklists.

Submit your application package to: [email protected]

Your application will be assigned to a case planner. Planning review time is approximately 15 to 30 working days from the date of submission. Email submittals shall always include, at a minimum:

  1. A PDF copy of a complete and signed application form;
  2. A site plan with a complete “project scope” description, identifying what is “existing” and what is “proposed;”
  3. A floor plan, both existing and proposed;
  4. Elevation plans, both existing and proposed;
  5. Roof Plan.

Please review the checklists to determine the items required for a complete submittal.

Most of our Application forms and Informational Handouts can be found below. More recent items such as SB-9 & ADUs have their own information pages.

Supporting documents
Fees - Panning

Fees – Planning

Administrative CUP: Special Event < 30 Days Administrative CUP: Special Event (e.g. Carnival, Car Show, K-Run, Small Scale Auto Sales) Administrative CUP: Bingo, Las Vegas Nights, etc Administrative CUP: Fee for Non- Profits (No Charge with Verification of IRS Exempt Status) Administrative CUP: Pumpkin Patch/ Christmas Tree Lot CUP – Modification to an existing CUP CUP: 6-Month Review by Planning Commission ABC Investigation without a CUP ABC Investigation with CUP Annexation (City) Annexation (Community Facility District – CFD) Actual Cost Appeal to Planning Commission or City Council: Other than SPR Appeal to Planning Commission or City Council: Non-Applicant (SPR Only) Appeal to Planning Commission or City Council: Applicant (SPR Only) Assistant Planner Hourly Rate Associate Planner Hourly Rate City Planner Hourly Rate Community Development Director Hourly Rate Planning Aide Hourly Rate Planning Technician Hourly Rate Re-inspection Fee Business License Review (In-Home & Other) Business License Review (In-Home & Other) review and field see handout General Plan Fee $2.00 per $1,000 of Construction Valuation L&C: Artificial Turf Installation or Single-Family Construction L&C: Project Less Than 1 Acre L&C: Project 1.1 Acres to 2.99 Acres L&C: Project Over 3 Acres Counter information- Each Page Filed Information First page $4.00 Each additional page $0.10 Zone Maps Page Large Book Small Book Establishment of PCD/Major Modification to PCD Minor Modification to PCD Sign Permit – Annual Display Program Sign Permit – Permanent Sign Permit – Temporary Sign Program Review SPR Category A (Minor) SPR Category B (Minor) SPR Category C (Minor) SPR Category D (Minor) SPR Category E (Major) SPR Categories E & F (Major) Pre-application Review SPR: Administrative Time Extension SPR: Planning Commission Time Extension Additional Review Fee Actual Cost Grading Plan Review City Attorney Review of Covenants, Easements, or Other Legal Documents (Per Hour) Contract Rate Staff Review of Applicant’s Initial Study, Environmental Reports, etc $4,118 (Plus Consultant Costs) Environmental Impact Report – Staff Review and Consultant Costs Deposit + Actual Costs General Plan Amend – Text or Map Change Change in Nonconforming Use Construction Plan Modification Construction Plan Review Lot Line Adjustment Outdoor Dining and Display Parking Agreement Designation of a Heritage Tree (Private Applicant) Designation of Historic Landmark/Structure of Merit (Private Applicant) Shopping Cart Containment/Retrieval Plan Review Special Construction Permit (Noise) Special Plan Review (Lighting, CMD, Parking, etc.) Tentative Parcel Map Tentative Tract Map Tentative Tract Map/Tentative Parcel Map: Minor Amendment or Time Extension Vacation of Rights-of-Way Verification & Research Fee Actual Cost Zoning Ordinance Amend – Add Uses Zoning Ordinance Amend – Text or Map Change Zoning Verification Letter Tree Preservation Permit, Minor Tree Preservation Permit, Regular Major Variance Major Variance (Single Family Structure) Minor Variance
Supporting documents
Housing Element

Housing Element

City of Covina
2021-2029 Housing Element
Revised Draft September 2022

Virtual Community Meeting! The Community Development department hosted a virtual community meeting on Thursday, June 23rd to go over the DRAFT Housing Element and DRAFT Mixed-Use Overlay District.

If you would like to be notified of future meetings regarding the Housing Element, Please submit your contact information to City staff at (626) 384-5450 or by email to [email protected].

Supporting documents
Landscaping Guidelines

Landscaping Guidelines

In order to conserve water, the City of Covina encourages replacing your existing lawn with drought tolerant landscaping.

However, the City of Covina’s codes require that the entire front and street side yards (except approved driveways and walkways) must be landscaped with a live plant material. The key factor is that you have a complete ground cover. The County of Los Angeles has prepared guidelines to assist residents with planting drought tolerant landscaping. There are a variety of drought tolerant ground covers that will fill in the front yard to meet the City’s codes and achieve your goal to reduce water consumption. Some of the typical drought tolerant ground covers can include:

Of course, there are many other plants you may choose from. Please consult your nursery for additional options. Two things you want to keep in mind when planting a drought tolerant front yard: There should be no visible dirt or bark within 2 months of planting. This is typically achieved by planting ground cover plants close enough to fill in. Drought tolerant plants are not maintenance free. Be sure to keep them properly trimmed and free from weeds. Please remember if you add hardscape (cement, pavers, or similar) or a new sprinkler system you are required to obtain planning approval and/or a building permit. Good luck with your project!