Other Costs

The Federal government allows direct charging of costs normally treated as Facilities & Administrative (F&A) costs only where a project explicitly budgets and justifies for the administrative costs in the award document and the costs are specifically identified with the project.

Examples of administrative costs that may require sponsor approval include, but are not limited to:

Refer to the Direct and Indirect (F&A) Cost Policy for further explanation


There are two categories of animal costs – animal purchase and animal maintenance (or per diem). Animal purchase costs are listed in the Materials and Supplies category. Include details about how you developed your estimate for animal costs, listing the type and number of animals you expect to use and the purchase price for the animals.

Animal care costs (per diem) and shipping costs are included in the Other Costs category. Provide the daily maintenance costs for the number of animals or cages that you plan to use, computed annually.

IACUC approval is required prior to starting any research using vertebrate animals. Please contact the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee for information and assistance.

Business Meals, Food, Conference and Workshop Expenses

Reference the University of Arizona Financial Services Meals Policy and the following sponsor specific guidance:

Business Meals: Auditors and agency regulations apply a conservative interpretation of the cost principles in this area and consider the cost of business meals as an exceptional activity.

Sponsored funds cannot be used for meals or coffee breaks for intramural (informal and internal) meetings within the University.

Meals expenses may be charged under the following conditions:

The cost adheres to the University Business Meal policy and is supported by documentation showing that the activity is an essential component of the sponsored project scope. Examples of acceptable documentation include:

Conferences and workshops may be allowable, if the primary purpose is the dissemination of technical information and is necessary and reasonable for successful performance. Costs that may be allowable include rental of facilities, speakers' fees, costs of meals and refreshments, local transportation, and other items incidental to such conferences unless further restricted by the terms and conditions of the award. See Uniform Guidance (CFR 200.432) for more information.

Meals for employees on travel status may be allowable under University travel policy if the sponsor authorizes travel.

Food purchases associated with research activity such as animal feed or in a laboratory setting may be allowable if authorized by the sponsor.


Honoraria are unallowable as a cost if the intent is to confer distinction on or symbolize respect, esteem, or admiration for the recipient of the honorarium. A payment for services rendered, such as a speaker’s fee under a conference grant, is allowable.

Human Subjects

Human subjects provide identifiable, private information or participate in surveys or interviews as part of a research project. All projects that meet the definition of human subjects research require Institutional Review Board (IRB) review and approval prior to conduct of the research. While some principal investigators may use the term “participant” instead of “human subject”, there are important differences between these two terms. Regardless of terminology, these costs may not be budgeted in the participant support category. Instead, they are budgeted in Other Costs and are subject to F&A costs. The Human Subjects Protection Program can assist you with your human subjects research.

Long Distance Telephone

Long distance telephone calls are listed as an Other Cost. They must be specifically related to your project and allowed by the sponsor.

Recruitment, Moving and Relocation Costs

Not all Federal agencies allow recruiting, moving and relocation expenses to be charged, and those that do generally require the recipient to be 100% effort for a minimum of twelve months. Reference Federal Uniform Guidance 20.463.

Moving costs are paid as an allowance to the recipient per the University implementation of requirements of the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which requires these expenditures to be treated as taxable income to the recipient. Refer to the FSO Policy on Relocation Costs for more information. Only actual costs of moving supported by receipts are allowable on Federal awards.

In the proposal budget, they should be listed as follows: