Whether traveling between campuses during the workday, or starting or ending the day's commute, Boston College students and employees enjoy access to the University's bus shuttle services.
All people riding the BC Shuttle have the right to expect a safe space waiting for the shuttle, a safe trip once on the shuttle, and reliable service. Boston College strives to make sure these three characteristics of high-quality transportation are consistently maintained.
In order to ensure the safety of all who ride the BC Shuttle, and in accordance with the Community Standards Policies of Boston College, we would like to remind students of these behavioral expectations while riding or waiting for the BC Shuttle.
In order to advance these standards, the following is NOT permitted:
Above all else, please demonstrate common courtesy and respect for those around you, and allow all members of the Boston College community to get the most out of the BC Shuttle service.
Failure to adhere to the standards listed above may result in one or more of the following: